Oh 2 be a kid.....
I just recently purchased a home. This might possibly be a worse experience than going to the doctor for a colonic (so I've heard)... of course w/ both experiences you will feel cleaned out in the end! Just when you think you have figured out all the costs associated you get another piece of mail telling you that you owe another $50 because of an "email processing fee". I don't know which email service you have, but there are free one's available. This is on top of all the other ridiculous fees associated w/ the loans. And paperwork.....Oh my....I have signed my name 830 times in the past 2 weeks (I have yet to decide which signature style I like best).
But alas, the time is drawing near for the close date and I am getting excited. I think back through all the stressful decisions involved in purchasing our first home, and it makes me think back to a simpler time...oh to be a kid again...
Remember when your biggest decision was whether you should take the chance and wear your favorite shirt two days in a row, and hopefully not get seen by anyone you saw the day before. Or maybe it was the decision as whether or not to eat all your vegetables so you could have dessert (I guess it depended on what type of dessert - if it was a chocolate dessert - yes, if it was a fruity dessert - no - because fruit is good for you and not a dessert).
Remember when your biggest stress was whether or not to ask out the sort of cute girl w/ the braces (who you figured if I ask her out now you have a much better chance then when she gets her braces off and her potential is reached) in the front row of your math class? This was a time when summer came you basically had no responsibility except to comb your hair and make sure your socks matched.
Just some simple thoughts about "the good ole" days. Don't get me wrong...I love some of the things I have gotten to enjoy as I have gotten older (ie marriage, etc), but I just don't enjoy all the things I get to do now that I am older (pay bills, sign papers, pay bills, etc). Every once in awhile I have looked around for that big red "easy button" you see in the staples commercials...let me know if you find it.
Oh yeah, I saw Mark Paul Gosselar (Zach Morris) and his wife at staples last night......
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