Sullivan - Birth Control

My wife and I recently added a little one to our family! His name is Sullivan and he weighs 5 pounds and barks like a 30lbs. chimp. His barking can often be mistaken for a baby crying (ie the people giving me odd looks at the airport as I transported him home in a travel crate). I must say he is the cutest thing I have ever seen. It's a good thing he is so cute...I just have to remember how cute he is when he starts yelping at 3:00am because he has taken a dump in his crate. I have learned to look before I put my hand in the crate because you never know what you are gonna get (and those aren't chocolates in there). I must say he has gotten remarkably better than his first couple nights when he would wake us every hour. He has settled into about 2 little whining sessions a night. I was definitely tired the first couple days we had him, but I have learned to get up out of bed...pick him up...walk him down the stairs out to the front yard...and sit there in the cold for about 15 minutes while he decides whether to go or not. It is amazing what you can

Makes me miss my dog, Honey. She was a pure-bred beagle, papers and all, full grown at only 10 lbs. She dug out of the yard one day while we were away. So sad. They could've made beautiful beagle puppies together.
5:12 AM
Actually I am trying to teach Sullivan abstinence, that way we don't have to get him snipped. I remember honey...great dog.
9:44 AM
Dude, remember Calvin as a puppy? I think we've all learned a little something from him.
I too remember honey though I must confess I don't think of her as often as I should.
8:22 AM
It's awesome to see the three of us together again even if it is just in cyberspace! Maybe one day...
We should get Doug and Mike E. and do a blog. We'll call it Roscoe Pico. I'd read that!
8:25 AM
I actually did think of calvin the other day...I wonder if he is still alive? I actually watched Rosco Pico the other day...Jr High staff did the High School service while they were gone and I popped in some old jr high videos unbeknownst (what does that mean) to Johnny, Kevin, Curren, and the rest of the clan - their faces were pricesless.
10:30 AM
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