Winter Camp

This past weekend marked my 5th winter camp as a staff member at Grace Community Church. Four of those with Jr. High and 1 with High School. The picture you have in your head (and the one to the left), unfortunately, was not what it looked like when we arrived. In fact, many kids commented that they didn't even recognize the place that we had went to just a year earlier. The reason for this was the 70 degree whether and the lack of snow. I was very disappointed to arrive and have no trace of snow anywhere. Although, it did not quite feel like winter camp when we were up there (maybe more like spring camp), I still had an amazing time. I absolutely love camp!
What I love...
Whether it's summer or winter camp - I always have a wonderful time. I love getting away from the busyness and distractions of everyday life, and spending large chunks of time in God's Word with other believer's. I love the kids and seeing them grow to be more like Christ. We get to spend twice a day with them (outside of the various other times we make for them) in our rooms going over the things we learned in the morning and evening sessions. I have grown to love these times. It is such a great opportunity to really dig in deep and challenge the guys I am in charge of. I must say that this year is my favorite group of kids. The reason for this is the unity we have. The group of guys we have ,really do care about each other and it is very encouraging to see. However, we saw this weekend that we still had a lot of room to grow in the area of unity. Our speaker, Adam, did a great job of taking us through James, and placing before us several tests, to see where we stood in our Christian walk. When we got to James 2, we had a very long and detailed discussion on favoritism. It was good to hear the kids bring up specific things they wanted to work on, and what the group could work on. Some of the quieter (and less popular kids) had a great platform to discuss some of their concerns. It really opened the eyes of some of the other kids as to what impact their behavior has on others. This was also a great time for the two staff leaders in our group to know how to more specifically pray. I also love the teaching because, although it is geared towards Jr Highers, it is always convicting to us on staff as well.
Another thing I love about camp is the concentrated times we get to spend together as a staff. I love the 11pm - 2am talks we have over a hundred cups of coffee to get us through. The easy thing to do would be to go to bed at 11 w/ the kids. However, the time you miss out on with the staff is priceless. No amount of sleep can make up for the time we get to sit around w/o a schedule, or w/o having to watch the kids (except for the occasional screaming or yelling that needs to be quieted down in the wee hours). I serve on an incredible staff and I savor every minute we get to spend together.
What I didn't Like so much . . .
There are a few things that I didn't like so much about camp. The first thing was discussed earlier and that is the fact that there was no snow - and not even cold weather while we were up there. This obviously took away from the "winter camp" feel you get every year. The next thing I didn't like so much was the food. Camp food has received the stigma of being pretty bad - but this year topped them all. Usually

The last thing I didn't like so much is just the way you feel physically when you get back from camp. Everything is sore, you feel groggy, puffy, and dehydrated. I feel like I could sleep for 2 weeks when I get back, but then you realize you have to go right back to work.
Overall, the camp was great and God really did some amazing work in myself and the guys I am in charge of. Staff relationships were bolstered, and our camp speaker did an amazing job. What a wonderful time - I can't wait until next year. . .
I miss staff . . . :-(
12:24 AM
Dave - There's always room...
Jeremy - it was a great camp. Thanks for all your hard work and sacrifice for the guys. Your care for your small group is exemplary to all of us. I believe that the impact you are having will not truly be known for years to come. Thanks for you faithfulness.
8:51 AM
I knew you'd come back. We have staff meeting next Monday @ 7pm.
Thank you for your kind words. It is a privilege to serve alongside you.
9:28 AM
man i cant belive i missed camp i already miss u guys alot!
7:25 AM
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