Shepherd's Conference - A reflection

The annual Shepherd's Conference was held at GCC, this past week. What an amazing time to step on campus and see 3,500 pastors coming together for one purpose: To be fed the truth of the Word. The conference was such an enriching time as some of the most amazing and Godly men came to teach. I was given the opportunity to help out w/ a Q&A at the end of a seminar our Jr. High pastor gave on volunteer staff, and was so blessed to be a part of it. The numerous pastors in attendance, seemed amazed at our staffs desire to serve. I realized that the amazing staff I serve on, does not occur at every church. In fact, I learned that a staff like ours does not occur at very many churches at all. It is not that we are somehow superior, or better than other churches, for we all know that the church is completely dependent on God for it's growth and success. It is, however, a great privilege to know I serve with such an amazing and devoted group of men and women who come together to serve Christ through serving the students we have been placed over. It was great to discuss this and encourage the pastors I met with, and give them hope that there are volunteers out there that enjoy being w/ Jr. Highers.
Another highlight of the conference was the teaching and the worship. I always make sure to be at the conference for at least one of the general sessions. There is nothing more encouraging and uplifting than being in the general session on the first night of the conference. To stand up w/ 3,000+ Godly men and sing with all of our might together for the glory of God is an amazing and moving experience. I believe it is a little taste of what we will get to experience in heaven for eternity. This experience also made me a little sad as well. It was sad to know that every Sunday we pack out our building as well, but the participation is worship was about a 1/5th of what I hear at a shepherd's conference. It truly invigorated my desire for worship in singing to our God. After the tremendous joy of the worship time (which included and amazing performance by Jubilant), we were privileged to hear an amazing sermon of the Prodigal son, which I learned should be called the parable of the two sons. MacArthur seemed to somehow find that 6th gear from his normal Sunday sermons, and preached masterfully through the text. At first I must admit I was a little disappointed to hear he was preaching on a section he had just spent about 5 weeks preaching through a month earlier. However, after the sermon it was as if I was hearing it for the first time again, enjoying all the truths he offered, and just to see the reaction of the other pastors in attendance brought such joy to see there encouragement.
I think my favorite highlight of the week was on Friday night when I got to attend a private dessert fellowship w/ the men from Together for the Gospel. The panel of four was CJ Maheny, Al Mohler, Mark Dever, and Ligon Duncan. What an amazing group of men. To see their humility, godliness, discipline was truly a testimony to me. I thoroughly enjoyed their sense of humor and watching them interact with one another. I laughed so hard that night. Just to see these amazing respected men of the faith in a different venue was truly enjoyable. We were able to see them joke and laugh and learn little personal things about them that you would never have guessed (ie one of them is a truly gifted rapper). This was such a blessing! To hear their daily disciplines, and the amount of books they are able to digest at one time, truly humbled me and inspired me. What a joy it was to even help with the clean up afterward, just to know that I was able to contribute something to this wonderful evening.
I have been given such encouragement through seeing the many lives that God has changed throughout this country, and the hearts that are truly aflame for Christ. I am just thankful for the church and staff we serve on and even more thankful for the gracious God we serve!
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